Thursday, January 19, 2012


                          Interview with the Duke of Zhou

So Duke, they call you Duke instead of emperor. Why do you let people call you such a cheap name and yet you are the current emperor of China?                                               
        Ha ha! Well very nice of you to ask. Okay, so as you may know I am ruling as regent in place of young Cheng son of our previous great emperor my brother Wu. The mandate of heaven choose their family and blood line to rule China, so it would be wrong for me to take a title that the mandate of heaven does not want me to have.

The mandate of heaven is something I have heard being mumbled several times, what is it about?  
        The mandate of heaven is something we the Zhou discovered ourselves. Hard times hailed China during the Shang dynasty rule. We the Zhou were the only people who saw that the mandate of heaven was not in favor of the Shang rule. So we the Zhou stepped in since we were in favor with the mandate of heaven to save and rule China. The mandate of heaven, which is and was in favor of us, let us save and rule China. The mandate of heaven let us overthrow the Shang dynasty since it was not favored anymore by the mandate of heaven anymore.

Is it true that you were next in place when your brother King Wu died?
Yes, yes I was! See my brother was extremely dear to me; he was strong, trustworthy and loving. When he died, I felt like I had lost everything. I was in no state to rule an empire with my own hands so I decided to rule as regent for my loving nephew young Cheng. I gave-up my position to that young fellow because he reminds me of my brother and I strongly believe he will make a strong emperor just like his father was.

Why are you always creating musical pieces?
I love our dynasty; I do not want it to be broken up or separated. Lately, I have been writing and creating musical pieces in order to form literacy. Our dynasty is huge and obviously there are many people living in it. Some people have different skills and others do not have any skills at all. I am writing and creating musical pieces to educate the general public on what they can do to survive if they have no skills at all.

What are you most afraid of?
I am most afraid of rebellions. In rebellions you can either win or lose. I am most sincerely afraid of the rebellion whereby my own three brothers thought I wanted to take the thrown while ruling as regent. Those hypocrites wanted me off my seat and get a hold of some power in China. But thankfully they lost nobody believed the crazy accusations they were putting against me. I am most grateful to my brother Duke of Shao who after two long years stood up and defended me in any possible way against those accusations and hypocrites.

1 comment:

  1. You have some great information here, but you need to revisit the sentence construction and editing.
